Green Aberdeen
General Meeting
Call to Order: 6:00
Attendance: Joe, Kerry, Rob, Arlene, Marris, Robert, Megan Hinkle, Sister Mary Lou
Minutes: Approved as read
Treasures report: $1986.76 (Presentation Sisters check?) A couple of booths have not paid yet. Approved
Meghan H. Presentation for Farmer’s Market-
Went over some of the rules for selling at the Market. Possibly will allow EBT at some point!
Some of the types of the vendors: art, breads, eggs, soap makers, yoga,
Downtown Assoc concert series, car show, Celtic Faire is growing
Create a current member list and bring to next meeting.
Old Business: Still awaiting EIN number
Earth day recap: (In 2020 it will be the 50th anniversary of Earth Day- big bash?)
Marketing and promotion- posters were a bit late- will need to be out earlier next year, Facebook ads went well. Radio station interview went well.
Sponsorships- more than last year. Need to keep track of who paid, etc.
Activities- Central kids had some kids things going on at their booth, music was great, yoga and tai chi went well (maybe more tai chi/yoga sessions), talks went well… not as well attended (maybe promote more?) Bag/mat making as possibility next year, more sustainable activities.
Booths- keep space in mind.
Farmer’s Market- Meet there at 2 to set up. Rob, Arlene, Kerry, Joe Selling Tshirts (bring gridwall).
Work weekend at Easton’s Castle-
Time start/stop- June 2nd from 1-? 3rd for fellowship
Activities- will be directed by Easton’s
Food- GA will bring stuff for supper (hot dogs, buns, condiments) everyone else can bring a side dish to pass.
Time for Fellowship: yes
Concert series: need volunteers to help recycle at these events.
June 14, July 12, August 9. Car show August 14-15
New Business: No news on adopting a city block
Next Meeting June 4, 6:00 at Library.