6/6/16 Meeting

We have some new people show up last night and got straight to work.  We are working on expanding the recycling options for our community to more than just residents which is the only city-wide contract right now.  We would like to see the businesses, city properties, schools, universities, and public spaces have opportunities for recycling.  We broke into four teams last night and started working on these questions:
A.     Government – To understand our current lease, our current city ordinances, and how to influence what is put into the next lease.
1.      What are the views of the current council members on expanding recycling?
2.     What specific ways can the current recycling program be improved?
B.    Business – To get support from the business community and their organizations like Chamber of Commerce to expand our recycling options, especially having recycling options in stores.
1.      How do reach out to businesses and organizations to get their support?
2.     Which businesses support expansion of our recycling? Which business groups will support our efforts?  Which apartment management/owners? Which ones will actively oppose us
C.     Hearts and Minds – To educate the Aberdeen community about better options for recycling and gain allies 
1.      What is our campaign slogan for improving the recycling in Aberdeen?
2.     What are three ways in which we can get our message out to the community?
D.     Community Organizations – To reach out to the groups and churches in our community who are allies in having a better recycling program in our city.
1.     What are the community organizations out there and how can we reach them?
2.     How do we get them to partner with us?
 We will soon be sending out the minutes and let you know who is on which team so you can contact them if you want to help out and work on these things.
Kayla Herman has updated our website: http://www.greenaberdeen.org/ and we now have blog capabilities.  If you want to write a blog or an article for our group please contact her to get on.  The more voices we have, the better we will be heard.
Our next meeting will be July 11th.
Rev. Enno K. Limvere
President of Green Aberdeen


June 16, 7pm
Citizens Building 4th Floor

Present: Enno Limvere, Kayla Herman, Arlene Cleberg, Wendy Seitz, Hamza Jamal, Rachael Gilbertson, Sr. Mary Lou Geraets, Nicole Johnson, Amy Crawford, Joe Burns,Alyssa, Scott Doring, Herb Rose, Robert

Enno will send out examples of the bylaws of other 501 (3) c organizations to help us to develop our own by-laws.

Kayla motions to have Rachel Gilbertson & Enno Limvere to open a checking account and be signers on the account on behalf of Green Aberdeen. Hamza Jamel second. Discussion. Motion carried.

We split into small groups to discuss different aspects of the city recycling contract.
Government: Joe, Hamza, Herb, Wendy
Business: Rachel, Nicole
Hearts & Minds: Kayla, Arlene, Alyssa, Sister Mary Lou
Community Organizations: Enno, Scott, Amy

Next Meeting: July 11 @ 7pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Amy Crawford

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