4th Annual Earth Day Fair 2019
April 22nd 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Briscoe Building 224 1st Avenue South & Central Park Aberdeen
Sponsorship and Vendor Form:
( ) I would like to be a sponsor of this event. Sponsors names will be featured on our posters, in our advertising of the event, have a free booth space, and will be publicized during the event.
Donation is $75 (minimum of cash, services, products)
I pledge to give $ __________ or ___________________ for this event.
( ) I am a profit-based business and would like to have a booth to sell or promote my business.
Cost is $35 for booth (We are not supplying tables & chairs this year for the booth)
( ) I would like a booth to give information or promote my non-profit organization or cause. Booth is Free (We encourage other organizations to share how they are creating a better Aberdeen community. Donations are accepted)
Name: ____________________________ Telephone: ___________________________
Address: _______________________________ Email: _________________________
If you want to be an event sponsor and be in the promotion, please get this back to us by April 1. If you want to have a booth, contact us by April 19th. You can contact Joe Berns (Treasurer) at (218) 457-0458 and Enno Limvere (President) at (605) 460-0330. Green Aberdeen is a volunteer organization. Check us out at www.greenaberdeen.org. Our email is greenaberdeen@yahoo.com. Our president is Rev. Enno K. Limvere at (605) 460-0330. Our Address is: Green Aberdeen 1314 ½ N 4th Street, Aberdeen, SD 57401.