Present: Rev. Enno K. Limvere Arlene Cleberg, Cassy Bitz, Kim Holmes, Jason Osborne, Sister Mary Lou Geraets, Rob Wedemann, Joe Berns, Kristi Brownfield.
Meeting opened with presentation by Jason Osborne about his company, Oz Motors.
President Enno called the meeting to order.
Minutes from October 7, 2019 meeting were approved with corrections of Sr. Mary Lou’s last name is Geraets and Cassy Bitz was present.
Treasurer’s Report: Current balance of $1,147.08.
Old Business:
- 501 (c) 3 – President Enno talked to our accountant Mindy from TNT Tax and the application is being processed but no red flags have come up.
- Goals for 2019
- Marketing Survey – Associate Professor Kirsti Brownfield is here to discuss, will do this under new business.
- Community Activities – nothing to report at this time.
- Members Choice – Field Trips. We only did 1 of the 3 planned. Should consider if we want to try this again next year.
- Grants –
- Earth Day Fair 2020 and Chautauqua 2020. Rob Wedemann will talk to Dan Cleberg to ask for budgets for Fallout Creative Community events to use a base for our grants
- Community Survey. Nothing to do at this time.
- Education and Promotional Materials, researched by
- Brochures: Cole Paper has a $100.00 minimum to place order. Quality Quick Print is $.10 to $.50 a sheet. Kraft Papaer sheet, color brown 18 x 24 30 lbs unlined bundle of 1,600. $78.00 (online) Herbarium mountain paper pack of 100 is $29.95.
- TV’s at Walmart: Vizio 32″ $168.00; LG 32″ $168.00; LG 32″ HD $129.99
- Downtown Water Stations and Electric Car Charging Station: Enno has talked to Enhance Aberdeen, Downtown Aberdeen Association, Robin Bobzien, city engineer, about the idea of doing this on Main Street. Has had good feedback. First deadline is January 31.
- Brochures – Looking for 2 brochures. One is to update our website blog on where you can recycle various items in our community from Dependable Sanitation, to Target, Salvation Army, to Brown County Landfill and have a brochure that can be handed out. The second would be a brochure that would show where ecologically sustainable products in our community are sold.
- – Water Stations and Car Charging Stations – discussed above.
- Christmas Program – We will have our Christmas Party on December 2nd, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm at the community room at the Red Rooster Coffee House. No gift exchange. Potluck, but we will provide a main dish.
New Business.
- Retrocade Fundraiser in January, we should try to find other ways to raise money that night, such as silent auction, raffles, etc.
- Partnering with Kristi Brownfield and NSU. She is planning to create a project with one of the classes in the Spring Semester where her students will help put this together, do the survey, and help us look at the data. Estimates that 10 students will help with this program. Semester starts January 13th, so they will need our goals for the survey by then. Questionaire will be 15 – 30 questions for maximum effect. The Board will meet this month to start working on our questions and scope.
Meeting Adjourned.